Sunday, February 22, 2015

Blog Post #6

PBL Part 1 & 2

Using PBL like discussed in the videos Project Based Learning Part 1 and Project Based Learning Part 2 minimizes the chance of "burp back education." PBL allows the students to learn and put to use what they are learning. PBL helps the student become more engaged in learning. In the video Mr. Capps discusses how giving the students an audience also helps the students in a positive matter. PBL also makes the student to think and dig deeper to find an answer.

In the video iCurio Mr. Capps discusses the purpose and multiple uses for iCurio. iCurio is search engine for students that has been filtered for educational use only. Using iCurio assures the teacher that the students are getting accurate information. Mr. Capps also discusses how there are multiple ways the students can store information they have found, which is a great because we all know how easy it is to misplace papers. This feature also improves the students organizational skill set. I think iCurio is an excellent tool for all students.

Discovery Education

Discovery Education is another excellent tool discussed by Mr. Capps that can be used in the classroom by teachers and students. We all know when searching for anything, the search is very broad and you end up going from page one to page thirty looking for the perfect article. But when you use Discovery Education you are able to narrow your searches. This way you are able to find exactly what you are looking for. Mr. Capps also discusses how providing visuals to students they retain the information longer.

Don't Teach Tech-Use It

Don't Teach Tech- Use It is a video where Mr. Capps discusses how to introduce technology to students. He advises the teacher to start off small, as you would when introducing anything new to students. Gradually adding steps on how to better use the technology. He also says that teachers should allow the student to be excited about the technology and for them to talk about what they learned and share ideas. Mr. Capps makes a great statement, "Don't TEACH technology INTRODUCE technology!" I never thought about how a teacher could make the mistake of teaching kids technology instead of introducing technology. However, after this video I feel a teacher could easily fall into the trap of teaching technology. For example, telling pr showing kids how to exactly find the answer or complete a task. Doing this does not give that student a chance to explore the technology and really learn from experience. So as a future educator I will not teach technology, but instead introduce technology.

Project #8 Book Trailer

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Blog Post #4

The Right Way to Ask Questions in the Classroom 

           The traditional way is not always the most appropriate way to handle obstacles in the classroom. I realized this after reading The Right Way to Ask Questions, this article discusses the traditional way of a how a teachers ask questions and how effective those questions are in the classroom. One example used was the infamous, "Do you understand?". This question is not effective for students, but does give the teacher a "pass" to move onto the next topic. The traditional way of questioning only reaches a small percentage of the students. When asking the right question the teacher  making sure she is reaching more of her students. Teachers experienced and inexperienced should learn the right way to ask their students questions. An effective approach teachers should consider is to ask a question then pause three seconds and call on a student. This approach will cause all the students to use higher thinking to answer the question. Asking the right questions in a classroom is critical for students to achieve optimum learning.